Posted in personal thoughts

So, it’s been three years…

Wow, it’s been three years since I last updated this blog. Needless to say, life got a bit crazy. Pandemic, kiddo’s college graduation, me leaving my job after sixteen years, Dad getting ill and passing away in less than a month, me and kiddo getting a new house and moving…

Three years and a LOT has changed. Some for the good, some not, but we’re truckin’ along. I hope to get back here soon to update on a more regular basis, but at the moment things are kind of crazy yet again (my external hard drive broke last weekend so I’m frantically waiting to see if they can recover any/all of the data I have on it. Fingers crossed!) with the potential to get even crazier later this year.

We’re happy and healthy, more or less, so there’s that. I’m keeping busy with so many crafting things. Kiddo’s working now and learning how to navigate the world as an adult (though he does every so often ask if he can have his ‘kid card’ back!). We’re both definitely hoping 2023 is less stressful and painful than 2022 was. Again, fingers crossed.

Hope everyone is off to a fabulous 2023! Back soon-ish!